The Assignment
Mosaic Baptist Church in Canberra required a website re-development. They have been a long time clients of Your Web Presence.
The Mosaic Baptist Church website acts as an information portal for people wanting to find out about the church, its purpose and activities, and different locations around Canberra.
As the church has multiple congregations in different locations, it uses the website as an opportunity for people to engage and access multimedia, such as sermons and a calendar for upcoming events.
In 2018, they required that the website be updated for 2019 as it was commencing an additional congregation at another location. The website had to cater for these changes.
The site required a re-design of the presentation layer, information architecture that was efficient to use, and not distracting to the site users.
The new site had to:
- Be adaptable for future changes and growth;
- Ensure the homepage included key information with secondary information easily accessible;
- Provide the facility for videos and other multi-media.
Our Approach
We worked by prototyping the site with the client and developing functionality required for the site.
Our approach for this assignment was to:
- To capture the essence of their requirements along with the desired look and feel for their web presence,
- Design an attractive site based on existing colour schemes with appeal and build the system,
- Provide on-going support for sustainment and growth of their online presence for their business growth.
The Design
The key elements of the design for the Mosaic Baptist Church site were to ensure that the design reflected the character of the church and the local community. Primarily, it had to be easy to use on a mobile device that allowed people interested in the church to interact with it easily online.
The Result
The website has been met with a positive response.